
The 1970’s were a time of financial stress for New York City. Human services, both public and private, suffered drastic cuts.  Nonprofits saw a decline in contributions as well as city and state funding.  Human service needs skyrocketed.

VRC began in 1976 as a project of the Yorkville Civic Council serving the need for volunteers of social service agencies as well as health and cultural institutions of the Upper East Side. In the fall of 1989, based on demand for its services, VRC expanded its scope to include all of Manhattan. At this time, VRC became incorporated as a not-for-profit organization and moved to its present location on Madison Avenue at 33rd Street. In 1995, VRC again expanded its services to include the five NYC boroughs.

Now in its 33rd year, VRC was founded and has flourished on the belief that volunteers not only enhance the programs they assist, but also benefit from the experience in many ways. They gain a broader perspective of the needs of the City and its people and become more informed citizens and advocates. Volunteers often improve skills and expand their networks. Recent research indicates they live longer, happier lives.